How to Review and Resolve 持有 on Your Account

How To Unlock Your 持有

  • A hold or service indicator on your record indicates that something is needed, such as a financial obligation, documents, advisement, permissions, or a conditional status such as Dual Enrollment or Probation.

To See Your 持有 or To-Do List

  • 登录到 my皇冠博彩 > Click on SIS: Student Information System > My Student Information, which will bring you 到 Student Center. Review the “Info, Actions & 持有” and “To-Do List” sections for more information.

Academic Dismissal or Academic Suspension

Academic Probation

Application is Self-Sufficient

You based your tuition status on yourself and must submit additional documents to verify you are self-sufficient.

Debt to College or Debt to Controller

Debt to Financial 援助 (Waiting for Information)

Debt to 图书馆

  • Fees must be in person at the circulation desk. 
  • For questions, contact your campus library.

Debt to 停车

Dual Enrollment or 首页 School/Special Provisions

  1. Learn more about Dual Enrollment.
  2.  Dual Enrollment Checklist.
  3. 做一个 appointment with a Counselor.

英语 As Second 语言

ESL Level 2

You tested into 英语 as a Second 语言 Level 2 and must apply with the Student Service Center.

Financial 援助 is Being Held

  • Check Your To-Do List (see How to above)
  • For questions, contact Financial 援助.

High School Student

New First Time in College

If you are a First Year Student under the age of 24:

No High School/GED Graduation

Permanent Foreign Applicant or Temp/No Foreign Application

Parent, Legal Guardian, Spouse

If you base your tuition status on a Parent, Legal Guardian or Spouse:

Student Visa Admission

学费 - Legal Guardian

If you base your tuition status on your Legal Guardian:

Under 18/Parent Signature

You are under the age of 18 and must:

  • Submit the Application results with your parent's signature
  • For questions, contact your Student Service Center.

Valid Visa Verifications